Azerbaijan Investment Holding was represented at the 39th meeting of the OECD Working Party

26 Oct 2022
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On 25 October 2022, a hybrid session on the topic of “State-owned Holding Companies: National Practices and OECD Recommendations” took place within the framework of the 39th meeting of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Working Party on State Ownership and Privatisation Practices.

High-level representatives of the OECD secretariat, as well as a number of OECD member, partner and observer countries joined the event. Officials from Azerbaijan, Austria, Singapore, Greece, Slovenia, Peru, and Finland provided general information on the practices of holding-level SOE governance in their countries.

Ruslan Alikhanov, Chief Executive Officer of Azerbaijan Investment Holding (AIH), delivered presentation about AIH’s mission, structure, activities as well as its up-to-date achievements, and touched upon future plans in regard to its portfolio companies. 

In the last part of the session, the participants discussed the advantages of various SOE governance models and the issues of special importance, including the significance of aligning country practices with the OECD’s internationally accepted “Guidelines on Corporate Governance of SOEs”.