AzerGold Supervisory Board held its next meeting
The first meeting of the reorganized Supervisory Board of "AzerGold" CJCS was held.
During the meeting, chaired by the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board Mr. Matin Eynullayev, current issues on activities of AzerGold CJSC, including the increase in authorized capital, strategic development, issues on finance and investment, production and staff were discussed.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board M. Eynullayev said that AzerGold CJSC, a state-owned mining company, plays an important role in the development of the country's non-oil sector and increasing non-oil export potential. Mr. Eynullayev noted that the work done by Azerbaijan Investment Holding to further increase the efficiency of AzerGold within the framework of best practices and modern management requirements, to improve its management by taking into account modern corporate governance standards give positive results. He stressed that the activities between AIH and the CJSC established as a logical continuation of the structural reforms initiated by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to meet the modern challenges of the country's economy, continuing successfully on the basis of mutual cooperation.
Implementation of the follow-up tasks issued from relevant decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, were discussed and relevant decisions on agenda items were adopted.